Digital Security for Community Organizers

DISCO is a non-traditional infosec certification program developed by and for community organizers and activist. It is a project to subvert the antisocial impulses of typical corporate infosec resources. DISCO is made in collaboration with Digital Defense Fund and Hacking//Hustling, co-led by Kate Bertash, Danielle Blunt, and Daly Barnett.

Digital Security for Community Organizers is about reckoning with the tension between publicity and privacy in activist movements. The program is a conscious bringing together of various movements for bodily autonomy.

For the inaugural 2023 rollout of DISCO, the following courses were led:
  • The Nervous System and Digital Security: The Body and the Work
  • Tech Policy Landscape & Reproductive Justice: An AMA with a Lawyer
  • Threat Modeling for Yourself and Others
  • Community Data Hygiene, Mutual Aid, and Secure Communications
  • Financial Workshop for Community Organizers: LLC, S-Corp, 501c3, fiscal sponsorship, or nothing
  • Payment Processors and Risk: Navigating Disappearing Infrastructure
  • Hustling and Fundraising: How We Fund Our Work
  • Long Grass & Needles in Haystacks: Doxxing Prevention, OSINT
  • Crafting Brave Spaces: Tips on Facilitation

Stay tuned for news about our 2024 plans!

You can find Digital Defense Fund at: https://digitaldefensefund.org

And Hacking//Hustling at: https://hackinghustling.org